Adventures in Pet Sitting

There is no better place to be reminded that there are a lot of strange people in the world then when you pet sit. Because you get to meet them all.

I mean think about it, people love their pets more than their kids, right?

I am pet sitting out of necessity but I must admit there is part of me that is enjoying meeting all the owners and their fine pets. I do have some new best pet friends. The owners? Not so much.

My current crush is Bella a puffy white Pomeranian with black eyes and a belly that Buddha would be proud of. Bella and I got along immediately. We have a lot in common, we both want to lay in bed and do nothing. We both like naps. We both love food. She just seems to get me.

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Buzzy Donahue

I grew up in San Francisco in the 60's. I lived in a world of sex, drugs and rock and roll. After a long stretch working on my tan I have joyfully found my way back to radio. Because you can't fight it; when it's in your blood. I play music on

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